Pump It Up vs Dance, Dance, Revolution Arcade Versions

Pump It Up vs Dance, Dance, Revolution Arcade Versions

Are you a Dance, Dance, Revolution (DDR) fan? Or do you like Pump It Up better? We asked William Tu, a Top 50 Player Globally how they were similar and different and which he liked better.

Fans on Why People Love Arcade Dance Machines

William stays in shape by playing the Pump It Up arcade game in the Salem Center Mall. He plays about three hours a week or over twelve hours a month.

He shared that he spends about $30/month and that he can play for two hours on about $5. That is cheaper than going to a gym!

One reason people love Pump It Up is weight loss. The Pasadena Star News reported that Sergio Garcia lost 50 lbs in one year thanks to his passion for playing PIU.

Watch this video to see the latest version of Pump It Up in action:

How is Pump It Up Similar to Dance Dance Revolution?

Both arcade dance games use your feet for scoring. But Pump It Up has 5 arrows versus 4 arrows on Dance, Dance, Revolution.

And you can play singles or doubles on both PIU and DDR.

William says that he prefers Pump It Up because it has more inputs = more unique variations = more possible patterns.

This video has a great demo of DDR plus a history of the most popular and unique musical arcade games.

How is Dance Dance Revolution Different from Pump It Up?

William feels the goals are different in these two dance games. DDR is more focused on accuracy and perfection.

Pump It Up is more a mixture of accuracy and physical limits. The Pump It Up content is harder, with only two people worldwide completing the toughest song successfully.

PIU is Korean while DDR is Japanese. Some PIU players get really creative in how they choose to complete the patterns:

Why Players Say They're Addicted to Pump It Up

aicjis on Reddit wrote:

"This silly little dance game has a hold on me like nothing else I've ever experienced. Two years into playing and it's still on my mind constantly, I've basically stopped playing any other game now."

aicjis left that as a comment in Reddit user MOSFET_MASTER's post

"Somehow, the combination of physical exertion to the point of complete exhaustion + great music + a natural stopping point makes clears in this game more satisfying than any other clear in other traditional games.

When I pass a hard doubles set that made me go through hell, nothing else compares to the pure satisfaction and excitement.

When I fail, I want to immediately try again and get better.

It's funny because I explain this to friends and family in a sanitized form but no one aside from other regulars and grinders at the arcade know this feeling.

I'm a huge fan of other arcade rhythm games but none really scratch the same itch as I don't go through sheer physical torture to get some of these passes like I do in Pump (except maimai which does give a bit of a workout lul)"

 If you want to know what else players had to say, check out this Reddit thread.

Pump It Up Phoenix Songs

Want to pick out songs before you hit the arcade? This video has all the songs except for New Tunes. Use it to make a list of your favorites so you're ready to play:

Resource for Pump It Up Step Charts

You can understand step charts at a glance and find related charts using this PIUCenter resource site.

How to Play Pump It Up Dance Rhythm Arcade Game

Even beginners should just jump in as the game guides you through a tutorial. Players can watch or skip it if they already know how.

The PIU machine at the Salem Mall is connected to the internet so you can use your Pump It Up pass to log in and be ranked.

Sign up for Pump It Up online here. William recommendation to players:

"Don't be intimidated. Just "dance like no one is watching"."

You can watch the Pump It Up Phoenix Tutorial below:

Getting more serious about Pump It Up? This WikiHow How to Play Pump It Up Tutorial has great tips to "become the dancing whiz you've been dreaming to be".

How to Play the Dance, Dance, Revolution Arcade Game

Have you seen people playing the Dance Dance Revolution arcade version and wondered what they're doing?

Watch this short clip that explains how to control the game and rack up points:

DDR Popularity in Movies and Television Shows (TV)

Did you first discover DDR by seeing it in a movie or television show? Here are some cultural references of Dance Dance Revolution:

Dance Dance Revolution: Social, Technical, or Freestyle

According to The Strong National Museum of Play:

"While the vast majority of players enjoy DDR as a social experience, certain “technical” and “freestyle” formats became common amongst the most avid players. Technical or “Perfect Attack” players aim for 100% perfect steps while playing the game on the highest level of difficulty.

They use the minimum amount of movement possible, and often lean back onto the railing provided on the back of the arcade game to focus only on their steps.

Freestyle players generally set the game on the lowest difficulty and perform complex, full-body dance routines, sometimes accentuated with twirls and leaps."

Are You a Dance Machine Player or a Spectator?

Some people just like to watch others play Dance Dance Revolution:

What is the Alternative to PIU and DDR Dance Machines?

Besides Pump It Up, there is also a Step Mania dance machine. If you want to check that out, we have one at our Heritage Park Mall arcade.

Ready to Dance? Where to Find Pump It Up 

We'd love to have you come out and dance on the Pump It Up at the Salem Center Mall. Come by any time the mall is open:

  • Monday through Thursday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Friday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The arcade is so large it takes up THREE spaces in the Salem Oregon mall. We describe the machines you'll find there in this blog post.

Don't miss our Memory Lane Gift Shop there, too. We'd love to see you there!